New Apraxia Flip Book

After my VC and CV apraxia flip books received over 1000 pins through pinterest in a little over a week, I decided to make another flip book combining both of these syllable shapes.

So I present to you the CV/VC Apraxia Flip Book.

To make your own flip book visit my previous post here.

Using the CV/VC flip book you can make a large variety of different syllable shapes to target.

Good luck – and please provide any feedback that would help me improve the flip books for better use.  Thanks.

* Note: C = consonant, V = vowel

Comments ( 4 )

  • Hello,

    I have a son Devin who has speech apraxia and selective mutism. I have been putting together Devin’s Speech Project to help him overcome these issues. So far it has been working really well, Devin has made incredible progress. This is why we look to share it with others. I have put what is essentially a rough draft up on my blog. Our project may help other kids and I am looking to make it available to others for free. Our story and the full project is on the site. Devin’s speech project now has 42 separate presentations and has crossed the 1000 total slide number. We continue to get positive feedback, which helps me to want to keep working on it. We have added several new ending sounds most recently M and N ending sounds. We are constantly adding to and updating the program. I appreciate and feedback or ideas anyone might have on improving or sharing this effort with others.

    Devin’s Speech Program online at

    Thanks for your time.
    Michael Ramsdell

    • This sounds like a great project. I would be happy to have you put a link to my blog on your facebook page. Good luck with your kiddo and with your project. That is so great that you are willing to share such an amazing resource.

  • Love your flip book! Great resource for parents and therapists!

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