My name is Alissa Holloway. I count myself as one of the luckiest people in the world. I have not only 1 – but 2 of the best jobs in the world. I am a MOMMY and an SLP.
Megan Hodge (another SLP) describes the speech profession by saying…
“… A career in speech-language pathology challenges you to use your intellect (the talents of your mind) in combination with your humanity (the gifts in your heart) to do meaningful work that feeds your soul… I am proud to be a member of what I consider to be the best profession on earth”
I too am proud to be a certified Speech Language Pathologist. I believe that quality human connection is the most essential part of the human experience and that it is through communication that we are able to make those connections. I have a passion for helping others communicate more effectively and find true joy in each client’s progress and success.
I am the owner of my own private speech language pathology practice located in Payson, UT ( And I LOVE IT. Besides being a wife and mother, starting my own private practice has been the most rewarding thing I have ever done.
I have served hundreds of individuals with a variety of communication impairments; including speech sound disorders (articulation therapy), language disorders (both receptive and expressive), stuttering (fluency disorders), childhood apraxia of speech (CAS), tongue thrust (orofacial myofunctional disorder), hearing loss (aural rehabilitation/habilitation), traumatic brain injury, processing disorders, cognitive impairments, cleft lip/palate, down syndrome, autism, and aspergers disorder.
The purpose of this blog is to share some therapy tips and techniques, open dialogue between other therapists, and give parents some help and support. So welcome, stay awhile, and don’t forget to drop a line every now and then 🙂
~ Alissa